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基因组学专区一、举止期限:视举止进行的情况稳健延迟或裁减。二、举止标的:1、 便捷战友更好地了解水生生物学和海洋生物学规模各学科方上前沿;2、 促进战友间的学术交流,为专题商议举止奠定基础;3、 晋升战友外语水平;4、 其他!三、参与表率:在此跟贴。四、文件要求:1、 文件实质必须为水生生物学和海洋生物学规模;2、 文件要求经典(经典时间\想路\表率)和前沿兼顾,荧惑好的综述;3、 期刊要求外文SCI期刊(国内的之外);4、 文件时候要求:前沿自然要求越新越好,特殊经典的可稳健放宽时候限定,但建议限定在近10年内。五、翻译状貌要求如下文题:作家:杂志全名: 年份,卷(期): 起止页码: 英文摘录:华文译文(包括题目):文件全文(请以附件形势上传):六、加分详情1、 为保证帖子质料,章程每5篇翻译摘录为一个计分单位,不及5篇不计分,满5篇即可加5分,特殊有价值翻译的经版主委员会商议会后可再追加分数!2、追加分数的条目:a).先容杂志的影响因子(2005)b).先容著作的援用次数c).提供个东谈主考语(对文件有哪些优点、特殊是不及之处、如何更变等作念极少评)3、 肃肃:不提供全文者不加分!(如文件大于300k请先分割,再上传附件。分割表率详见:>我是作念弧菌方面的,近排皆在看预计的著作,是以翻译的皆是弧菌的。由于本东谈主英语水平有待晋升,有些场所照实译得不好,还请群众襄理修改。还有我把这些放到基因组学区,不知是否适合。这些皆讲分子方面的,应该没问题吧?文题:Cloning of a Vibrio alginolyticus rpoN Gene That Is Required for Polar Flagellar Formation作家:IKURO KAWAGISHI, MASANORI NAKADA, NORIKO NISHIOKA,MICHIO HOMMA杂志全名:JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY,年份,卷(期): 起止页码:1997,Vol. 179, No. 21,p. 6851–6854。英文摘录:A fragment of DNA was cloned which complemented a polar flagellum-defective (pof) mutation of Vibrio alginolyticus. The fragment contained two complete and two partial open reading frames (ORFs) (ORF2 and -3 and ORF1 and -4, respectively). The presumed product of ORF2 has an amino acid sequence with a high degree of similarity to that of RpoN, which is an alternative sigma factor (s54) for other microorganisms. The other ORFs are also homologous to the genes adjacent to other rpoN genes. Deletion analysis suggests that ORF2 complements the pof mutation. These results demonstrate that RpoN is involved in the expression of polar flagellar genes.溶藻弧菌极生鞭毛形成所必须的rpoN基因的克隆华文译文:一个能使级生鞭毛劣势的溶藻弧菌突变株再行赢得鞭毛功能的DNA片断被克隆出来。这个片断包含2个竣工的绽开阅读框ORF-2、ORF-3,还包含ORF-1、ORF-4的部分片断。由ORF-2编码的家具在氨基酸序列上与RpoN相似。RpoN是一个sigma因子(σ54),可以替换其它微生物相应的因子。通过缺失分析,诠释注解了ORF-2能使pof突变体再行赢得级生鞭毛的功能。这些扫尾证实了RpoN是与级生鞭毛形成预计的一个基因。全文见附件 s required for polar flagellar formation.part1.exe (195.31k)Cloning of a Vibrio alginolyticus rpoN Gene That Is Required for Polar Flagellar Formation s required for polar flagellar formation.part2.rar (195.31k)Cloning of a Vibrio alginolyticus rpoN Gene That Is Required for Polar Flagellar Formation s required for polar flagellar formation.part3.rar (195.31k)Cloning of a Vibrio alginolyticus rpoN Gene That Is Required for Polar Flagellar Formation s required for polar flagellar formation.part4.rar (127.06k)文题:Arbitrarily Primed PCR To Type Vibrio spp. Pathogenic for Shrimp作家:Cyrille GOARANT, Fabrice MERIEN, Franck BERTHE, Isabelle MERMOUD and Philippe PEROLAT杂志全名:APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY年份,卷(期): 起止页码:1999, Vol. 65, No. 3p. 1145–1151英文摘录:A molecular typing study on Vibrio strains implicated in shrimp pathology outbreaks in New Caledonia and in Japan was conducted using AP-PCR (arbitrarily primed PCR). It allowed a rapid identification of isolates at the genospecies level and studies of infraspecific population structures of epidemiological interest. Clusters identified within the Vibrio penaeicida species were related to their area of origin, allowing the discrimination between Japanese and New Caledonian isolates, as well as between those from two different bays in New Caledonia separated by fifty kilometers only. Other sub-clusters could be identified within New Caledonian V. penaeicida isolates, but it was not possible to link those differences to accurate epidemiological features. This contribution of AP-PCR to the study of vibriosis in Penaeid shrimps demonstrates its high discriminating power and the relevance of the epidemiological information provided. This approach would contribute to a better knowledge of the ecology of Vibrio spp. and of its implication in shrimp’s pathology in aquaculture.应用卤莽引物PCR时间对杀对虾弧菌进行分型华文译文:本研究应用卤莽引物PCR时间对一种在新喀里多尼亚群岛和日本引起暴发性虾病的弧菌进行分子分型。通过这种时间,大要快速鉴识这种杀对虾弧菌的基因型,并在流行病学特质上分析它的种内群体结构。分析标明,杀对虾弧菌的种内分群与它们的地区开首预计,这使在日本鸠合的菌株和在新喀里多尼亚群岛鸠合的菌株大要分离开来,而况在新喀里多尼亚群岛相隔仅50公里的两个海湾分离的病原株也能分离开来。在新喀里多尼亚群岛分离到的一些种内不同子群也可以被分离出来,关联词还不可把它们基因型的不同与流行病学特质准确预计上来。卤莽引物PCR时间在杀对虾弧菌上的研究诠释了它的高分辨才调,同期能提供预计的流行病学信息。这种表率将使东谈主们进一步了解杀对虾弧菌的生态学和它对虾病的影响。全文见附件 o Type Vibrio spp. Pathogenic for Shrimp.part1.exe (283.2k)Arbitrarily Primed PCR To Type Vibrio spp. Pathogenic for Shrimp o Type Vibrio spp. Pathogenic for Shrimp.part2.rar (283.2k)Arbitrarily Primed PCR To Type Vibrio spp. Pathogenic for Shrimp o Type Vibrio spp. Pathogenic for Shrimp.part3.rar (283.2k)Arbitrarily Primed PCR To Type Vibrio spp. Pathogenic for Shrimp o Type Vibrio spp. Pathogenic for Shrimp.part4.rar (120.01k)文题:Cloning and expression of the secA gene of a marine bacterium,Vibrio alginolyticus, and analysis of its function in Escherichia coli作家:Ei-ichi Kunioka, Shin-ichi Matsuyama, Hajime Tokuda杂志全名:Gene年份,卷(期): 起止页码:1999, Vol. 216,303–309英文摘录:We report the cloning, sequencing and functional characterization of the secA gene of a marine bacterium, Vibrio alginolyticus,which has been suggested to utilize ATP and the sodium motive force for protein translocation. Oligodeoxynucleotides corresponding to highly conserved regions of Escherichia coli secA located in the high affinity ATP binding site were utilized as PCR primers to clone the secA gene of V. alginolyticus. It was shown to encode a 103.3-kDa protein. The deduced amino acid sequence of V. alginolyticus SecA (VaSecA) exhibits a high degree of identity (72.7%) to SecA of E. coli (EcSecA). The secA gene of E. coli forms an operon with upstream orfX, whereas no counterpart is present upstream of V. alginolyticus secA. Azide derepresses the EcSecA translation, whereas the level of VaSecA was unaffected by azide. Expression of VaSecA in E. coli carrying a temperature-sensitive secA mutation restored both growth and protein translocation at a non-permissive temperature. VaSecA was thus able to substitute for EcSecA despite the fact that the energy requirement for protein translocation differs between the two organisms. VaSecA was overproduced in V. alginolyticus and purified to homogeneity for N-terminal sequencing. The endogenous ATPase activity of the purified VaSecA was comparable with that of EcSecA.Keywords: Protein translocation; Sodium motive force; DNA sequencing; Sequence comparison; Protein purification溶藻弧菌——一种海洋细菌的secA基因的克隆抒发以及它在大肠杆菌里的功能分析华文译文:本文报谈了溶藻弧菌——一种海洋细菌的secA基因的克隆、基因序列以及功能特质。secA基因被觉得能把ATP和纳能源应用于卵白质的定位。应用编码大肠杆菌的secA中对ATP高亲和力的合股位点的高保守序列规画PCR引物来克隆溶藻弧菌的secA基因。扫尾标明这个基因编码一个103.3 kDa的卵白。溶藻弧菌SecA(VaSecA)的推导氨基酸序列与大肠杆菌SecA(EcSecA)的序列有很高的一致性(72.7%)。不同的是,在大肠杆菌里secA基因与一个处于它上游的绽开阅读框orfX构成一个主宰子,而溶藻弧菌SecA基因的上游莫得肖似的绽开阅读框。叠氮化合物使大肠杆菌SecA抒发加多,而溶藻弧菌SecA的抒发却不受影响。在底本不可滋长的温度条目下黑丝 少妇,捎带对温度明锐的secA突变基因的大肠杆菌在抒发溶藻弧菌SecA后黑丝 少妇,能滋长下来,卵白定位这个功能也可以复原。尽管溶藻弧菌和大肠杆菌的卵白质定位对能量需求有所不同,溶藻弧菌SecA如故可以代替大肠杆菌SecA。溶藻弧菌SecA从高产的溶藻弧菌里纯化出来,而况对它的N端序列进行了同源性分析。另外还对这种纯化出来的内源性溶藻弧菌SecA的ATP酶活性与大肠杆菌SecA进行了比较。关节词:卵白质的定位、钠能源、DNA限定测定、序列比较、卵白质的纯化全文见附件 of its function in Escherichia coli 1998.part1.exe (283.2k)Cloning and expression of the secA gene of a marine bacterium,Vibrio alginolyticus, and analysis of its function in Escherichia coli of its function in Escherichia coli 1998.part2.rar (236.82k)文题:Genetic heterogeneity among Vibrio alginolyticus isolated from shrimp farms by PCR fingerprinting作家:M.R. George, K.R. John, T. Iyappan and M.J.P. Jeyaseelan杂志全名:Letters in Applied Microbiology年份,卷(期): 起止页码:2005, Vol. 40, 369–372英文摘录:Aims: To study the strain variability among Vibrio alginolyticus isolates from different sources by insertion sequence-targeted PCR fingerprinting and whole cell protein profile analysis.Methods and Results: Eleven strains of V. alginolyticus were isolated from seven different sources including healthy, infected, farm-reared and wild shrimps. Following biochemical characterization, the isolates were analysed by PCR fingerprinting and whole cell protein analysis by SDS-PAGE. The strains were genetically different irrespective of the sources of isolation.Conclusions: Strain variation exists in V. alginolyticus isolates obtained even from the same source, and PCR fingerprinting is a simple and efficient method in identifying strain-specific variations among the different isolates. Significance and Impact of the Study: Vibrio alginolyticus is implicated in severe vibriosis of marine aquaculture systems although many strains are avirulent and could be used as probiotic strains. As a wide variation exists among this species, differentiating the harmful and beneficial strains would help in finding ways of controlling the infections by eliminating harmful shrimp pathogenic vibrios.Keywords: insertion sequence, PCR fingerprinting, Vibrio alginolyticus, white spot syndrome.应用PCR指纹分析时间来研究分离于对虾衍生池的溶藻弧菌的遗传各类性华文译文:标的:通过针对插入序列进行PCR指纹分析和对通盘细胞的卵白质谱进行分析,来研究分离于不同场所的溶藻弧菌的各类性。表率与扫尾:作家从7个不同的场所,包括健康的、被溶藻弧菌感染的、东谈主工衍生的和野生型的对虾分离了11株溶藻弧菌。经过生化特质缓和后,再对这些分离株进行PCR指纹分析和基于SDS-PAGE的对通盘细胞进行卵白质谱分析。扫尾标明这些菌株基因型互异与它们的不同开首莫得预计性。论断:即使是从相通地点分离出的菌株也存在互异。PCR指纹分析时间是一种大要鉴识种内不同菌株之间互异的浅近、有用的表率。本研究的兴味兴味以及影响:尽管好多溶藻弧菌是无毒菌株,甚而有的可以用作益生菌,它如故在水产衍生里引起了严重的弧菌病。由于溶藻弧菌种内不同菌株存在较大的互异,分离无益菌株和成心菌株将有助于排斥对对虾无益的治病性弧菌而寻找一种驾驭由溶藻弧菌引起的疾病的表率。关节词:插入序列、PCR指纹分析、溶藻弧菌、白斑轮廓症全文见附件 olated from shrimp farms by PCR fingerprinting.pdf (173.65k)文题:Method of DNA extraction and application of multiplex polymerase chain reaction to detect toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 from aquatic ecosystems作家:Irma N. G. Rivera,Erin K. Lipp,Ana Gil,Nipa Choopun,Anwar Huq and Rita R. Colwell杂志全名:Environmental Microbiology 年份,卷(期): 起止页码:2003, Vol. 5(7), 599–606英文摘录:Vibrio choleraeis a free-living bacterium found in water and in association with plankton. V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 strains are frequently isolated from aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Less frequently isolated are V. cholerae O1 and V. cholerae O139, theaetiological agents of cholera. These strains have two main virulence-associated factors, cholera toxin (CT) and toxin co-regulated pilus (TCP). By extracting total DNA from aquatic samples, the presence of pathogenic strains can be determined quickly and used to improve a microbiological risk assessment for cholera in coastal areas. Some methods suggested for DNA extraction from water samples are not applicable to all water types. We describe here a method for DNA extraction from coastal water and a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for O1 and O139 serogroups. DNA extraction was successfully accomplished from 117 sea water samples collected from coastal areas of Perú, Brazil and the USA. DNA concentration in all samples varied from 20 ng to 480 μl. The sensitivity of the DNA extraction method was 100 V. cholerae cells in 250 ml of water.The specificity of multiplex O1/O139 PCR was investigated by analysing 120 strains of V. cholerae ,Vibrio and other Bacteria species. All V. cholerae O1 and O139 tested were positive. For cholera surveillance of aquatic environments and ballast water, total DNA extraction, followed by V.cholerae PCR, and O1/O139 serogroup and tcpA/ctxA genes by multiplex PCR offers an efficient system, ermitting risk analysis for cholera in coastal areas.从水生环境里索求DNA并应用多重PCR检测具有致病性的O1型和O139型霍乱弧菌华文译文:霍乱弧菌是一种精深存在于水体或附于浮游生物上的细菌。非O1型或非O139型霍乱弧菌常常被东谈主们从水体里分离出来,而引起霍乱的O1型和O139型霍乱弧菌相对较少被分离到。这些致病性的菌株含有两个主要的与毒力预计的因子:霍乱毒素(CT)和霍乱毒素协同菌毛(TCP)。通过对水样索求总DNA,致病性菌株可以被快速检测出来,从而更变对沿海地区霍乱微生物风险评估的妙技。一些已有的从水样索求DNA的表率并非适用于通盘的水样。本文报谈了一种从海岸水体索求DNA的表率,然后应用多重PCR检测O1血清型和O139血清型霍乱弧菌。作家告捷地从117个来自于秘鲁、巴西和好意思国的海水样品中索求出DNA。在不相同品中,DNA的含量有所不同,从20 ng到480 ng/μl。这种DNA索求表率的机灵性为可以在250 ml水样的100个霍乱弧菌里索求出DNA。本研究针对O1/O139型霍乱弧菌多重PCR的特异性也进行了检测。在120株包括霍乱弧菌、其他种类的弧菌和其他种类细菌里,通盘O1型和O139型霍乱弧菌皆长远阳性。先进行总DNA的索求,然后进行针对霍乱弧菌的PCR特异性检测,或者应用针对O1/O139血清型或含有tcpA/ctxA基因的多重PCR,这些时间形成了一个对沿海地区水体环境和压舱水进行霍乱风险评估的有用系统。全文见附件 o cholerae O1 and O139 from aquatic ecosystems.pdf (100.55k)文题:Cyanobacterial postgenomic research and systems biology作家:Burja, A. M. Dhamwichukorn, S. Wright, P. C.杂志全名:Trends in Biotechnology年份,卷(期): 起止页码: 2003, Vol 21, No 11, 504-511英文摘录:The genomic era brought with it the capacity to unlock complex interactions in organisms and biological systems. Currently, by exploiting genomic and associated protein information through in silico analyses, post-genomic research is developing rapidly. This field, which encompasses functional genomics, structural genomics, transcriptomics, pharmacogenomics, proteomics and metabolomics, allows for a systems-wide approach to biological studies. To date, bacterial post-genomic research has focused mainly on a few representative pathogenic species, leaving the vast majority of the microbial community relatively overlooked. Amongst the under-represented microorganisms are the cyanobacteria, which are important for their beneficial natural product production, bioremediation and energy applications. Here, we highlight the current status of cyanobacterial postgenomic research and assess the potential for future metabolic engineering and 'cell factory' or 'microbial cell' development.华文译文:蓝藻后基因组研究及系统生物学 基因组时期的驾临使得东谈主们大要全面的了解生物体内复杂的互相作用和生物系统。最近,借助基因组信息挖掘时间和卵白信息的芯片分析时间,后基因组研究正在茂密发展。这一规模的研究包括功能基因组、结构基因组、转录组、药物组、卵白组以及代谢组学的一系列的组学研究,使得在系统范围上进行生物学研究成为可能。到刻下为止,细菌的后基因组研究主要蚁集在很少的几种具有代表性的病原微生物上,还有很大数目的微生物群体莫得得到温情。其中蓝藻动作一大类种群,关于地球上低级生物量的坐褥、生物开辟和能量应用皆具有相等可贵的兴味兴味,关联词一直以来皆被研究者们所忽视。本综述中,咱们要点叙述了蓝藻后基因组研究的近况,酌量了蓝藻代谢工程研究的潜在发展,在此基础上发展蓝藻“细胞工场”。影响因子(2005)IF 8.606 postgenomic research and systems biology.part2.rar (169.45k)文件 第一部分 postgenomic research and systems biology.part1.rar (250.0k)文题:Characterisation of complementary DNAs from the expressed sequence tag analysis of life cycle stages of Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae)作家:Florent Crepineau, Thomas Roscoe2 Raymond Kaas, Bernard Kloareg and Catherine Boyen杂志全名:Plant Molecular Biology年份,卷(期): 起止页码:43: 503–513, 2000.英文摘录:Laminariales (Phaeophyceae, Heterokonta) are characterised by a heteromorphic digenetic life cycle with a filamento,microscopic gametophyte and a highly evolved, macroscopic sporophyte. With the ultimate goal of comparing gene expression in each life cycle stage, complementary DNA libraries were constructed from sporophytes and gametophytes of Laminaria digitata. A set of ca. 500 expressed sequence tags (EST) was generated from each life history phase, by single-run partial sequencing of randomly picked cDNA clones. Comparison of the EST deduced amino acid sequences with database protein sequences assigned a putative identity for 39% of the 412 gametophyte clones and 48% of the 493 sporophyte clones sequenced thus far. These data represent more than 152 different proteins now probably identified in L. digitata. Several of those newly identified proteins are of interest to our understanding of the molecular physiology of kelps, for example their carbon-concentrating mechanisms, cell wall biosynthesis and halogen metabolism. EST analysis also confirmed that genes with long 30-UTRs are widespread in Laminariales and the study of 50-UTRs allowed the identification of a Kozak consensus sequence, c(A/C)A(A/C)CAUGGc(G/T). Several potential developmentally regulated differences in gene expression are discussed.华文译文(包括题目):基于EST的掌状海带生涯是历程中的基因抒发研究昆布属海藻具有十足的世代瓜代,双元双相。为了比较两个世代的基因抒发现象,咱们构建了掌状海带孢子体和配子体的cDNA文库。经过一过性测序每个世代各赢得约500个EST序列。经过序列比对,至少152个不同的卵白被检测出来,其中有一些关于海藻的分子生理学研究有一定作用。本研究还发现,昆布属3'-UTRs和5'-UTRs中庸俗存在Kozak consensus sequence, c(A/C)A(A/C)CAUGGc(G/T).简评:应用cDNA文库时间,进行基因抒发互异研究,关于具有世代瓜代的藻类研究,有一定参考价值。 complementary DNAs from the expressed sequence.pdf (98.93k)文题:Universal plastid primers for Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta作家:JIM PROVAN, SUSAN MURPHY AND CHRISTINE A. MAGGS杂志全名:Eur. J. Phycol.年份,卷(期): 起止页码:(2004), 39(1): 43 – 50.英文摘录:To date, the majority of molecular genetic studies in algae have utilized a fairly limited range of markers such as the plastid rbcL gene and spacer, the mitochondrial cox2-3 spacer or the nuclear ribosomal DNA and spacers. The lack of available markers has been particularly problematic in studies of within-species variation. Whilst microsatellites are now being developed in many algal species, there remains a need for universal markers that can be applied to a wide range of species. The increasing availability of complete plastid genome sequences for several algae has allowed us to develop two sets of universal primers, similar to those available in higher plants, for the amplification of coding and non-coding regions of the plastid genome in red and green algae. These markers are expected to be useful in a broad range of algal population geneticand phylogenetic studies.华文译文(包括题目):绿藻门和红藻门质体通用引物比年来,大部分的分子系统学研究,是应用质体上的rbcL过甚远离区序列、cox2-3远离区序列以及rDNA序列。枯竭通用引物,使此类研究中的一个难题,比年来,微卫星时间光响应用于藻类研究,而这项研究相同需要适合于各个物种的通用引物。跟着各式红藻和绿藻的质体基因组的测序完成,使得咱们有可能开辟出这种通用引物。这些引物可以庸俗应用于藻类的群体遗传学和系统发生学研究。评价:本文提供了数对相等有用有用的通用引物,经过我的推行考证,其中大多是可以不加修改径直应用。 plastid primers for Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta.pdf (284.84k)文题:Bioinformatic Mining of Type I Microsatellites from Expressed Sequence Tags of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)作家:Jerry Serapion,Huseyin Kucuktas,Jinian Feng,and Zhanjiang Liu杂志全名:Marine. Biotechnology.年份,卷(期): 起止页码:6, 364–377, 2004英文摘录:Gene-derived markers are pivotal to the analysis of genome structure, organization, and evolutionand necessary for comparative genomics. However, gene-derived markers are relatively difficult to develop.This project utilized the genomic resources of channel catfish expressed sequence tags (ESTs) to identify simplesequence repeats (SSRs), or microsatellites. It took the advantage of ESTs for the establishment of geneidentities, and of microsatellites for the acquisition of high polymorphism. When microsatellites are tagged togenes, the microsatellites can then be used as gene markers. A bioinformatic analysis of 43,033 ESTs identified4855 ESTs containing microsatellites. Cluster analysis indicated that 1312 of these ESTs fell into 569 contigs,and the remaining 3534 ESTs were singletons. A total of 4103 unique microsatellite-containing genes wereidentified. The dinucleotide CA/TG and GA/TC pairs were the most abundant microsatellites. AT-rich microsatellitetypes were predominant among trinucleotide and tetranucleotide microsatellites, consistent withour earlier estimation that the catfish genome is highly AT-rich. Our preliminary results indicated that themajority of the identified microsatellites were polymorphic and, therefore, useful for genetic linkage mappingof catfish. Mapping of these gene-derived markers is under way, which will set the foundation for comparative genome analysis in catfish.华文译文(包括题目):从河豚EST序列中进行1型SSR标志开辟与基因关联的分子标志庸俗应用于基因组的结构、组织和进化,以及比较基因组学研究。关联词这种分子标志往往难于开辟。本文应用河豚的EST序列资源,进行微卫星标志的开辟责任。这同期应用了EST序列与基因预计联的特质以及微卫星标志的多态性。当这些具有多态性的分子标志与非常功能的基因预计联时,这个分子比阿基就可以诸君基因的标志。经过分析,在43,033条EST中找到4855条含有SSR。并可聚类为4103条UniGene。在通盘SSR中CA/TG和GA/TC最为丰富,AT丰富的SSR占大多量,这与河豚基因组AT含量高一致。初步的实考诠释注解,这些微卫星具有多态性,而况适合于遗传图谱构建,这项责任正在进行中。评价:本文指出了一种从EST中搜索SSR的表率,对进行此类责任的战友,有一定参考价值。 Bioinformatic Mining of Type I Microsatellites.pdf (204.14k)文题:Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellite Loci for Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis)作家:Kaiping Han, Li Li, Gilles M. Leclerc,Alison M. Hays, and Bert Ely杂志全名:Marine Biotechnology年份,卷(期): 起止页码:2, 405–408, 2000英文摘录:Genetic variation has been difficult to detect in striped bass (Morone saxatilis). Therefore, we identified and characterized 13 microsatellite loci to provide additional genetic markers for striped bass. Microsatellites were identified by screening a striped bass genomic library or by using primers developed for European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) microsatellite loci. We found that 6 of the 13 microsatellite loci were polymorphic in DNA samples obtained from wild populations of striped bass. The number of alleles per locus varied from 3 to 12, and the observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.55 to 0.78. These results indicate that microsatellite loci provide more alleles and higher heterozygosities than other genetic markers developed for striped bass.华文译文(包括题目):Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis)微卫星标志开辟Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis)的遗传各类性难以检测,因此,咱们开辟了13对微卫星标志用作遗传标志位点。这些标志是应用European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)的引物从striped bass的基因组文库中筛查得到的。推行标明,在这13对引物中,有6对具有多态性,杂合度为0.55-0.78。这些扫尾标明微卫星标志联系于其他标志具有更好的可移植性。评价:本文指出了一种开辟微卫星标志的表率,有一定参考价值。 nd Characterization of Microsatellite Loci for.pdf (206.12k)文题:Effects of desiccation and CO2 concentrations on emersed photosynthesis in Porphyra haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta), a species farmed in China作家:DINGHUI ZOU AND KUNSHAN GAO杂志全名:Eur. J. Phycol.年份,卷(期): 起止页码:(2002), 37: 587-592.英文摘录:The effects on photosynthesis of CO2 and desiccation in Porphyra haitanensis were investigated to establish the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on this alga during emersion at low tides. With enhanced desiccation, net photosynthesis, dark respiration, photosynthetic efficiency, apparent carboxylating efficiency and light saturation point decreased, while the light compensation point and CO2 compensation point increased. Emersed net photosynthesis was not saturated by the present atmospheric CO# level (about 350 ml m), and doubling the CO2 concentration (700 ml m) increased photosynthesis by between 31% and 89% at moderate levels of desiccation. The relative enhancement of emersed net photosynthesis at 700 ml m CO2 was greater at higher temperatures and higher levels of desiccation. The photosynthetic production of Porphyra haitanensis may bene?t from increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration during emersion.华文译文(包括题目):失水和二氧化碳浓度关于坛紫菜光和成果的影响本文应用二氧化碳和失水关于坛紫菜光合营用的影响来探究其关于温室效应的响应。在过渡失水的情况下,净光合营用、暗呼吸、光和成果、羧化成果和光富裕点通晓下落,同期,光抵偿点,二氧化碳抵偿点上涨,刻下的二氧化碳水平,不及以举高净光合成果,若是,二氧化碳水平加倍,失水度适中,光和成果会上涨31%-89%。扫尾标明,温室效应关于坛紫菜的光和成果有促进作用。简评:本文想路新颖,规画合理,尤其在确定失水表率方面,冷落了“相对失水量”的见识,关于其他肖似推行有参考价值。 Effects of desiccation.pdf (296.48k)文题:Identification of stress-responsive genes in Caenorhabditis elegans using RT-PCR differential display作家:Wilson N. Tawe, Marie-Luise Eschbach, Rolf D. Walter and Kimberly Henkle-Dührsen杂志全名:Nucleic Acids Research,年份,卷(期): 起止页码:1998, Vol. 26, No. 7 1621–1627英文摘录:In order to identify genes that are differentially expressed as a consequence of oxidative stress due to paraquat we used the differential display technique to compare mRNA expression patterns in Caenorhabditis elegans. A C.elegans mixed stage worm population and a homogeneous larval population were treated with 100 mM paraquat, in parallel with controls. Induction of four cDNA fragments, designated L-1, M-47, M-96 and M-132, was confirmed by Northern blot analysis with RNA from stressed and unstressed worm populations. A 40-fold increase in the steady-state mRNA level in the larval population was observed for the L-1/M-47 gene, which encodes the detoxification enzyme glutathione S-transferase. A potential stress-responsive transcription factor (M-132) with C2H2-type zinc finger motifs and an N-terminal leucine zipper domain was identified. The M-96 gene encodes a novel stressresponsive protein. Since paraquat is known to generate superoxide radicals in vivo, the response of the C.elegans superoxide dismutase (SOD) genes to paraquat was also investigated in this study. The steady-state mRNA levels of the manganese-type and the copper/zinc-type SODs increased 2-fold in the larval population in response to paraquat, whereas mixed stage populations did not show any apparent increase in the levels of these SOD mRNAs.华文译文(包括题目):DDRT-PCR检测Caenorhabditis elegans抗逆基因本文秉承DDRT-PCR时间检测Caenorhabditis elegans抗氧化预计基因。推行材料事前用100 mM paraquat责罚,通过Northen杂交找到了四条互异cDNA条带:L-1, M-47, M-96 和M-132。L-1/M-47的抒发量加多了大致40倍,该cDNA编码谷胱甘肽S原子革新酶,在M-132序列中发现了C2H2-type zinc finger和 N-terminal leucine zipper结构域。M-96则编码一种未知的抗逆因子。SOD酶的抒发情况也进行了预计的研究,磨练材料的manganese-type和copper/zinc-type SOD抒发水平加倍。简评:秉承DDRT-PCR这种闇练的时间进行研究,中规中矩,可动作protocol看待。 Identification of stress-responsive genes in.pdf (152.15k)文题:DNA Microarray Analysis of Redox-Responsive Genes in the Genome of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803作家:Yukako Hihara, Kintake Sonoike, Minoru Kanehisa, and Masahiko Ikeuchi杂志全名:JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY,年份,卷(期): 起止页码:Mar. 2003, p. 1719–1725英文摘录:Whole-genome DNA microarrays were used to evaluate the effect of the redox state of the photosyntheticelectron transport chain on gene expression in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. Two specific inhibitors ofelectron transport, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropylp-benzoquinone (DBMI, were added to the cultures, and changes in accumulation of transcripts wereexamined. About 140 genes were highlighted as reproducibly affected by the change in the redox state of the photosynthetic electron transport chain. It was shown that some stress-responsive genes but not photosyntheticgenes were under the control of the redox state of the plastoquinone pool in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803.华文译文(包括题目):DNA芯片时间在Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803氧化还原预计基因分析中的应用秉承全基因组DNA芯片检测Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803氧化还原历程中光合营用电子传递链中预计基因的抒发变化。两种特异性扼制剂3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)和2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropylp-benzoquinone (DBMI被加入到培养物中,并同期测定转录本的变化。大致140个预计基因被检测出来。研究扫尾标明,在Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803.中,部分与光合营用无关的抗逆基因也参与了氧化还原历程的调控。评价:本文推行规画高明,妙技先进,论断明确,是一篇可以的Artical. alysis of Redox-Responsive Genes in the Genome.pdf (233.93k)文题:Gene Expression in the Cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120 under Desiccation作家:H. Katoh,R.K. Asthana and M. Ohmori杂志全名:Microbial Ecology年份,卷(期): 起止页码:Volume 47, 164–174 (2004)英文摘录:The N2-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120 showed an inherent capacity for desiccation tolerance. A DNA microarray covering almost the entire genome of Anabaena was used to determine the genome-wide gene expression under desiccation. RNA was extracted from cells at intervals starting from early to late desiccation. The pattern of gene expression in DNA fragments was categorized into seven types, which include four types of up-regulated and three types of down-regulated fragments. Validation of the data was carried out by RT-PCR on selected up-regulated DNA fragments and was consistent with the changes in mRNA levels. Our conclusions regarding desiccation tolerance for Anabaena sp. PCC7120 are as follows: Genes for osmoprotectant metabolisms and the K+ transporting system are upregulated from early to mid-desiccation; (ii) genes induced by osmotic, salt, and low-temperature stress are up-regulated under desiccation; (iii) genes for heat shock proteins are up-regulated after mid-desiccation; (iv) genes for photosynthesis and the nitrogen-transporting system are down-regulated during early desiccation; and (v) genes for RNA polymerase and ribosomal protein are down-regulated between the early and the middle phase of desiccation. Profiles of gene expression are discussed in relation to desiccation acclimation.华文译文(包括题目):Cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120 水分胁制历程中的基因抒发研究Cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120具有自然的抗水分胁制才调。本文秉承了饱含确实通盘基因组通盘基因的芯片研究Cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120 水分胁制历程中的基因抒发。按照水分胁制的时候远离制备RNA。各个基因的抒发现象可以分为四类:一类趋向于高抒发,三类趋向于低抒发。所得到的数据又秉承RT-PCR时间进行进一步的阐发。咱们的研究得到了一下论断:1、钾离子运输代谢预计基因趋向于高抒发。2、渗入、盐分和低温带领基因趋向于高抒发。3、热激卵白在失水历程后半段高抒发。4、光合营用和氮运输在失水早期低抒发。5、RPS和RPL基因趋向于低抒发。评价:本文信息量丰富,数据分析透顶,关联词秉承失水时候动作RNA制备的依据,值得商榷。 ion in the Cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120.pdf (218.29k)文题:Identification of Estrogen-Responsive Genes in the Testis of Sea Bream (Sparus auratus) Using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization作家:P.I.S. PINTO H.R. TEODO SIO M. GALAY-BURGOS D.M. POWER G.E. SWEENEY AND A.V.M. CANA RIO杂志全名:MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT年份,卷(期): 起止页码:Volume 73, 318-329 (2006)英文摘录:There is growing evidence that estrogens play important roles in both normal and xenoestrogen disrupted testis physiology. However, the mechanisms and signaling pathways involved, in particular in fish, are largely unknown. We have used suppression subtractive hybridization to isolate 152 candidate estrogen-responsive genes in the testis of male estradiol (E2)-treated sea bream (Sparus aurata). The E2 up-regulation of some of the genes (e.g., choriogenin L and H, vitellogenin I and II, apolipoprotein A-I, fibrinogen β and γ, and thyroid receptor interacting protein 4) was confirmed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in fish treated with 0.1– 10 mg/kg E2. Many of these genes are typical E2- induced genes in liver, and this is the first report of its up regulation with E2 in testis. Moreover, low levels of expression were also found for nontreated fish. Hepatic differential expression for these genes was also confirmed, although, contrary to testis, fibrinogen β, and γwere downregulated. The possible significance of these findings in normal testis physiology and in endocrine disruption is discussed.华文译文(包括题目): 应用SSH缓和金头鲷精巢中的雌激素应对基因 越来越多的笔据标明雌激素在平淡的以及雌激素带领的精巢生理中具有可贵的作用。关联词,其机理和信号传导通路,特殊是在鱼中,还知之甚少。本文应用SSH时间在雌二醇责罚的金头鲷的精巢等分离了152个雌激素应对基因。在这些基因中,有一些雌二醇的上调抒发基因,这些基因在0.1-10mg/Kg雌二醇责罚过的鱼中,通过RT-PCR得到了证实。好多这些基因是典型的雌二醇在肝脏中带领抒发的基因,本文是第一次报谈在精巢中上调抒发。而且,在对照组的鱼中也有低水平的抒发。这些基因在肝脏中的互异抒发,也被证实,但与精巢比较,卵黄原卵白原 β 和γ在肝脏中上调抒发,而在精巢中是下调抒发。本文还商议了这些发当今平淡及雌激素外源带领的精巢的作用。 Identification of Estrogen-Responsive Genes.pdf (216.97k)文题:Profile analysis of expressed sequence tags derived from the ovary of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus作家:Shian-Ling Chu, Ching-Feng Weng , Chung-Der Hsiao, Pung-Pung Hwang,Yun-Ching Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Shyh-Jye Lee杂志全名:Aquaculture年份,卷(期): 起止页码:Volume 251, 537-548 (2006)英文摘录:Precise regulation of gene expression is required for a proper transition through the different phases of the ovarian cycle. To study ovarian gene expression in teleosts, we constructed an adult ovary cDNA library of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, and analyzed the gene expression profile using an expressed sequence tag-based strategy. Of 768 random clones, 530 clones, with insert lengths of >100 base pairs (bp), were assembled into 474 tentative unique genes (TUGs), including 34 contigs and 440 singlets. Among these, 230 TUGs were highly homologous to known genes in public databases, while others exhibited a low sequence homology or no significant matches to known sequences; these are called novel genes here. The abundance of each identified gene was assayed to evaluate its relative importance in ovarian functions. 华文译文(包括题目): 莫三比克吴郭鱼的卵巢抒发序列标签的分析 精准的基因抒发调控对卵巢周期各个阶段的准确滚动是必须的。为了研究硬骨鱼卵巢的基因抒发,本文构建了成年 莫三比克吴郭鱼的卵巢cDNA文库,应用抒发序列标签计策分析了卵巢基因的抒发。在768个马上克隆中,有530个克隆的序列大于100bp,这530个克隆,被阐发为474个假设的孤立基因,其中包括34个重迭群,440单个克隆。其中,230个TUGs在数据库中,有高度的同源性,而其它的和已知的序列莫得同源性,或者同源性很低,这些基因称之为新基因。一些抒发较多的基因觉得应该在卵巢的功能中具有可贵的作用。 expressed sequence tags derived from the.part3.rar (95.98k)Profile analysis of expressed sequence tags derived from the ovary of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus expressed sequence tags derived from the.part1.rar (280.0k)Profile analysis of expressed sequence tags derived from the ovary of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus expressed sequence tags derived from the.part2.rar (280.0k)文题:Suppression Subtractive Hybridization cDNA Libraries to Identify Differentially Expressed Genes fromContrasting Fish Habitats作家:Peter F. Straub, Mary L. Higham, Arnaud Tanguy, Brenda J. Landau, William C. Phoel杂志全名:Marine Biotechnology年份,卷(期): 起止页码:Volume 6, 386-399 (2006)英文摘录:Suppression subtractive hybridization complementary DNA libraries identified differentially expressed genes in liver tissue of winter flounder collected from the highly impacted Raritan-Hudson estuary versus those from less industrialized estuaries farther south in New Jersey. Distinct transcript profiles emerged in the fish from these different habitats. A total of 251 clones from the forward (upregulated with anthropogenic impact) and reverse (downregulated with anthropogenic impact) subtracted libraries were sequenced. In the upregulated library immune response transcripts, including complement C-3, C-7, factor H, factor Bf/C2, differentially regulated trout protein 1, and the antimicrobial hepcidin, indicated the pollution-impacted fish were under a high viral or bacterial load. Transcripts for cytochrome P450 1A, P450 3A, and glutathione S transferase, important components of phase I and II metabolism of xenobiotics, were found in the upregulatedwith-pollution library. Vitellogenins I and II and egg envelope protein (zp) appeared to be downregulated. A homologue of the tumor suppressor p33ING1 (down) and hepatocyte growth factor–like protein (up) may indicate liver damage or hepatocellular carcinoma or hepatoma. These expression patterns, confirmed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction, indicate that transcript analysis is a useful method for assessing the health of local habitats and the organisms therein.华文译文(包括题目): 应用扼制性消减文库加对比不同栖息地鱼的基因互异抒发 应用扼制性消减文库缓和了重羞辱区与非羞辱区冬鲽肝脏组织中的基因互异抒发。发当今这两种不同栖息地的冬鲽肝脏中基因抒发长远了不同的抒发剖面。一共251个克隆在上合股下调消减文库中被测序。在上调文库中,一些免疫基因如补体3 ,补体7 ,因子H, 因子Bf,互异调控肿瘤卵白1和抗菌肽的发现诠释处在羞辱区的鱼正处在很高的环境压力。鄙人调文库中,发现了色素P450 1A和P450 3A,谷胱甘肽革新酶,及代谢预计的基因。卵黄原卵白 I 和II,卵膜卵白基因也出现鄙人调文库中。肿瘤扼制因子与促肝细胞滋长卵白的同源标明肝脏组织正在遇到麻烦。这些抒发方式,通过定量PCR得到了诠释注解,相同也诠释转录组的分析是一种诠释当地栖息地生物健康现象的有用表率。 Expressed Genes from Contrasting Fish Habitats.pdf (193.94k)文题:DMY is a Y-specific DM-domain gene required for male development in the me daka fish作家:Masaru Matsuda, Yo***aka Nagahama, Ai Shinomiya, Tadashi Sato,Chika Matsuda, Tohru Kobayashi, Craig E. Morrey, Naoki Shibata杂志全名:Marine Biotechnology年份,卷(期): 起止页码:Volume 417, 559-563 (2002)英文摘录:Although the sex-determining gene Sry has been identified in mammals, no comparable genes have been found in non-mammalian vertebrates. Here, we used recombinant breakpoint analysis to restrict the sex-determining region in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) to a 530-kilobase (kb) stretch of the Y chromosome. Deletion analysis of the Y chromosome of a congenic XY female further shortened the region to 250 kb. Shotgun sequencing of this region predicted 27 genes. Three of these genes were expressed during sexual differentiation. However, only the DM related PG17 was Y specific; we thus named it DMY. Two naturally occurring mutations establish DMY’s critical role in male development. The first heritable mutant—a single insertion in exon 3 and the subsequent truncation of DMY—resulted in all XY female offspring. Similarly, the second XY mutant female showed reduced DMY expression with a high proportion of XY female offspring. During normal development,DMY is expressed only in somatic cells of XY gonads. These findings strongly suggest that the sex-specific DMY is required for testicular development and is a prime candidate for the medaka sexdetermining gene.华文译文(包括题目): DMY基因是具有DM结构域位于Y染色体雄性青鳉鱼发育必须基因 固然性别决定基因SRY照旧在哺乳动物中发现,但还莫得相对应的基因在非哺乳脊椎动物中发现。本文应用重组分析将青鳉鱼的性别决定区域限度在Y染色体上的530Kb的区域。XY型的雌性个体的缺失分析,进一步将该区域限度在了250Kb的区域。对这一段区域的鸟枪测序,标明这一段共有27个基因,其中三个在性别分化阶段抒发,关联词唯有具有DM结构域的PG17基因是雄性特异的,称之为DMY基因。两个自然突变的群体诠释注解了DMY在雄性发育中具有可贵作用。第一个突变群体是第三外显子中有一个插入基因,形成了通盘的XY型的后代均为雌性。与之相似的是,第二种突变形成了DMY的抒发量减少,从而形成后代较高比例的XY型的雌性个体。在平淡的雄性发育中,DMY仅在XY性腺的体细胞中抒发。这些发现足以诠释DMY基因,是精巢发育所必需而况是青鳉鱼性别决定的可贵候选基因。 DMY is a Y-specific DM-domain.part1.rar (280.0k)DMY is a Y-specific DM-domain gene required for male development in the me daka fish DMY is a Y-specific DM-domain.part2.rar (104.83k)色戒在线看